How can I view the Callers Choice in an IVR in OdooPBX CDRs (Call History)?
I have an IVR and It has several Choices ie. "Please Press 1 for .., Please press 2 for .., etc etc.
How can I see the Options the User chooses eventually in CDR?
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How can I view the Callers Choice in an IVR in OdooPBX CDRs (Call History)?
I have an IVR and It has several Choices ie. "Please Press 1 for .., Please press 2 for .., etc etc.
How can I see the Options the User chooses eventually in CDR?
You can use userfield for this. See the example below:
[test-menu] ; Test menu exten => 500,1,Answer() same => n(demo),Background(demo-thanks) same => n,WaitExten(5) same => n,Goto(demo) exten => 1,1,Set(CDR(userfield)=${CDR(userfield)}${EXTEN}) same => n,NoOp(${CDR(userfield)}) same => n,Goto(500,demo)