Asterisk Calls module that integrates Asterisk Calls app with Odoo Helpdesk
Integrate your Helpdesk app with Calls!
- Adds click2dial button to helpdesk ticket.
- Auto create & open a new ticket when a new call comes to support extension.
- Auto open ticket form when an existing number calls to support extension.
For documentation and support visit
- URL:
- username: demo
- password: demo
You can add your mobile number to Odoo contact and dial +442045770408 from your mobile phone and see this in action in Active Calls menu. You will see how Odoo matched your contact and opened the partner form.
You can connect your SIP phones and trunks to make real calls. Please contact for individual demo setup.
Please note that demo is re-created every night so your test calls and data is removed.
Click to dial button in ticket form
A click to dial button is added to ticket form.
Calls related to ticket are accessible with a quick button.
Automatically open ticket form on incoming calls
Stay in Active Calls menu in order to be automatically redirected to caller's ticket.
The correspinding ticket form is opened.
Create a ticket from call history
A button to create ticket from a call history.
Call history record is bound to a new ticket.
Check other Asterisk related modules
Bugs, feature requests
For community support and documentation please visit
For bugs and feature requests please submit a request here:
.Asterisk / FreePBX support
This module requires a running Astrerisk instance.
Network connection between Asterisk and Odoo instance is required.
Please refer to Asterisk documentaion for Asterisk configuration.
If you are a novice in Asterisk/FreePBX and do not know how to complete Asterisk part of installation you can request paid support to help you setup your PBX. Please submit a request to
Asterisk! Enjoy with Odoo!
Once the user has seen at least one product this snippet will be visible.