Nibbana is a personal project and task management system implementing GTD™ concept.
See also Nibbana addons...
Nibbana's features:
- Pure Gettings Things Done (GTD)™ implementation.
- Performance Metrics to keep moving the chains.
- Analytics and retro analysis.
- Original Nibbana's way to balance Your Wheel of Life and know the Tao.
According to GTD™ concept You get everyting out of Your head as soon as it appears there.
Nothing should distract You from keeping You acting on Your current focus. Collect every new issue in Inbox.
Later when it is time to organize You process Your Inbox list and convert items to tasks, projects or references.
Nearly everyting is a project. According to GTD™ statisitcs an ordinary human has about 100 open projects from different areas of his life. Load all Your projects off into Nibbana and let it help You to be empty, happy and productive!
One of Nibbana's main concepts is focus of Your attention. You select some projects You want to focus this day and set them as active. All other projects become inactive and You can forget about them for this day.
A Task is an atomic piece of work. According to GTD™ task can be in one of the following states:
- Next
- Waiting
- Someday / May be
- Scheduled
- Today
- Tomorrow
Reference is a piece of information related to a project. If something is not actionable - it's a reference information.
References also support active / inactive concept showing by default only references from projects in active state.
Area is a core GTD™ concept. Every project is related to an area of life or responsibility.
Areas of Your projects make up Your Wheel of Life. Nibbana helps You to get it balanced as You can easily see how Your projects are distributed according to it. See here for details.
Sequential Actions
Your active projects make up Your Epicenter.
When it's time to act You forget about everything else. From each active project only one next step is taken. So You see just one thing to do.
All the day try to concentrate on Your sequential actions. Make Your chain going.
Unified List
Here is Your full Epicenter. All next steps from all active projects are here.
Actually this view can give Your current Wheel of Life. You can see how balanced is Your Epicenter.
If You see a long list probably You tend to overload Yourself and lie Yourself about how many tasks You can manage. Try to keep Your Epicenter as focused and small as possible.
Nibbana keeps track as You go with it.
You can see new tasks / projects rate (rate of incoming work), Your done projects and tasks rate, structure of Your Wheel of Life as days pass by.
New fun features like karma and more is going to come ;-)
Send bugs or feature requests here.
Once the user has seen at least one product this snippet will be visible.